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synced 2025-02-21 11:18:07 +01:00
Add solution for sheet 3
The Pokemon solution might be imperfect... but it's fine I guess
This commit is contained in:
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
//! Task 3.1: Rule 90
const NUM_ITERATIONS: u64 = 20;
fn main() {
/// Helper function to pretty print the automaton state
fn print_state(state: &[bool]) {
for &cell in state {
print!("{}", if cell { "██" } else { " " });
// Read initial state and print it
let mut old_state = read_input();
// Simulate automaton for 20 steps
for _ in 0..NUM_ITERATIONS {
let new_state = next_step(&old_state);
// The new state is now the old one
old_state = new_state;
/// Reads a valid initial configuration for our automaton from the terminal.
fn read_input() -> Vec<bool> {
// This tries to read a string from the terminal, checks whether it's
// valid (only contains 1's and 0's). If the user fails to input a correct
// string, this routine will ask again until the user finally manages to
// give us a correct string.
// You don't need to understand this routine yet; that's why I've written
// it already ;-)
// You only need to use the `input` variable (of type `String`). You can
// also assume that it only contains '0' and '1' chars.
let input = {
let mut buffer = String::new();
loop {
println!("Please give me the initial configuration (a string of '0' and '1'!):");
// `read_line` returns an error if the input isn't valid UTF8 or if
// a strange IO error occured. We just panic in that case...
.read_line(&mut buffer)
.expect("something went seriously wrong :O");
if buffer.trim().chars().all(|c| c == '1' || c == '0') {
// TODO: Task 1a)
// We can reduce the number of reallocations, because we know exactly how
// long our vector will be.
let mut out = Vec::with_capacity(input.len());
// We iterate through the whole string, pushing the corresponding boolean
// value.
for c in input.chars() {
out.push(c == '1');
/// Given the state of the automaton at time n, this function will return the
/// automaton's state at time n+1.
fn next_step(old: &[bool]) -> Vec<bool> {
// Note: this function signature is not optimal in terms of heap
// allocations. The signature alone already implies that this function
// always allocates a new vector. We could instead also pass a
// `new: &mut Vec<bool>` argument to reuse a buffer.
// We know the final length, so we can reduce the number of reallocations
// to one :)
let mut out = Vec::with_capacity(old.len());
for i in 0..old.len() {
// We need to handle the first and last cell.
let right_index = (i + 1) % old.len();
let left_index = (i + old.len() - 1) % old.len();
// The rules of Rule90 are actually just an XOR between the neighbor
// cells.
out.push(old[left_index] ^ old[right_index]);
fn rule90_rules() {
assert_eq!(next_step(&[false, false, false]), vec![false, false, false]);
assert_eq!(next_step(&[ true, false, false]), vec![false, true, true]);
assert_eq!(next_step(&[ true, true, false]), vec![ true, true, false]);
assert_eq!(next_step(&[ true, true, true]), vec![false, false, false]);
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,647 @@
//! Task 3.2: Pokemon
fn main() {
// Let both players choose their Pokemon
let model_red = choose_pokemon("Player Red");
let mut poki_red = Pokemon::with_level(model_red, 5);
let model_blue = choose_pokemon("Player Blue");
let mut poki_blue = Pokemon::with_level(model_blue, 5);
loop {
fn check_dead(poki: &Pokemon) -> bool {
if poki.is_alive() {
} else {
println!(">>>>> {} fainted!", poki.name());
// Print status
">>>>> Status: {} has {} HP, {} has {} HP",
// Execute both attack
if poki_red.stats().speed > poki_blue.stats().speed {
// Red attacks blue
execute_round(&poki_red, &mut poki_blue);
if check_dead(&poki_blue) {
// BLue attacks red
execute_round(&poki_blue, &mut poki_red);
if check_dead(&poki_red) {
} else {
// BLue attacks red
execute_round(&poki_blue, &mut poki_red);
if check_dead(&poki_red) {
// Red attacks blue
execute_round(&poki_red, &mut poki_blue);
if check_dead(&poki_blue) {
/// Executes one round of one player:
/// - the player chooses one attack to execute
/// - the attack is excuted and the enemy's HP
fn execute_round(attacker: &Pokemon, defender: &mut Pokemon) {
// Tell the user to choose an attack
">>>>> {} is about to attack! Which move shall it execute?",
// Print a list of available attacks
let num_attacks = attacker.model().attacks.len();
for i in 0..num_attacks {
println!(" {}: {}", i, attacker.model().attacks[i].name);
println!(" !!! Please give me the attack ID:");
// Read attack ID from the user
let attack_id;
loop {
let input = read_usize();
if input >= num_attacks {
println!(" !!! There is no attack with index {}!", input);
} else {
attack_id = input;
// Execute attack
let attack = *attacker.model().attacks[attack_id];
defender.endure_attack(attacker, attack);
// Status update
">>>>> {} uses {}! ({} has {} HP left)",
/// Let's the player choose a Pokemon from the database.
fn choose_pokemon(player: &str) -> &'static PokemonModel {
// Loop forever until the user has chosen a Pokemon
loop {
"{}, please choose a Pokemon (or type '?' to get a complete list)",
let input = read_string();
if input == "?" {
} else {
// Try to find a Pokemon with the given name
match find_pokemon_by_name(&input) {
Some(poki) => return poki,
None => {
println!("No pokemon with the name '{}' was found!", input);
/// Prints a list of all Pokemon in the database.
fn print_pokemon_list() {
for poki in POKEDEX {
// This strange formatter will print the pokemon ID with three digits,
// filling in 0 from the left if necessary (#003).
println!("#{:0>3} {}", poki.id, poki.name);
/// Fetches a Pokemon model from the Pokedex specified by its name. If there
/// is no Pokemon with the given name in the Pokedex, `None` is returned.
fn find_pokemon_by_name(name: &str) -> Option<&'static PokemonModel> {
for model in POKEDEX {
if model.name == name {
return Some(model);
/// Represents a Pokemon.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct Pokemon {
/// Reference to the kind of the Pokemon, which contains the name, base
/// stats, id and more global data.
model: &'static PokemonModel,
/// These are the actual stats of the pokemon, that fit to the current
/// level
stats: Stats,
/// The current level of the Pokemon.
level: u8,
impl Pokemon {
/// Creates a new living Pokemon of the given Pokemon kind (model) with the
/// specified level.
pub fn with_level(model: &'static PokemonModel, level: u8) -> Self {
Pokemon {
model: model,
stats: Stats::at_level(model.base_stats, level),
level: level,
/// Returns the current stats.
pub fn stats(&self) -> &Stats {
/// Returns the Pokemon kind of this Pokemon.
pub fn model(&self) -> &'static PokemonModel {
/// Returns the name.
pub fn name(&self) -> &str {
/// Returns the current level.
pub fn level(&self) -> u8 {
/// Decreases the Pokemon's HP according to the given attack and attacker.
pub fn endure_attack(&mut self, attacker: &Pokemon, attack: Attack) {
let damage = attack_damage(attacker, self, attack);
self.stats.hp = self.stats.hp.saturating_sub(damage);
/// Returns whether or not the Pokemon is still alive (more than 0 HP).
pub fn is_alive(&self) -> bool {
self.stats.hp > 0
/// Describes an attack with all its properties. This type is similar to
/// `PokemonModel`, as there are finite many, immutable instances of this type
/// in a database. This is not a type whose instances change over time.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct Attack {
category: AttackCategory,
name: &'static str,
/// Base power of the move. The actual inflicted damage is calculated with
/// a formula using the move's power and a few other parameters.
base_power: u8,
type_: Type,
/// Category of an attack.
/// Note: currently, the category 'status' is missing.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
enum AttackCategory {
/// Attacks with body contact, like "Tackle" or "Bite"
/// Attacks without body contact, like "Bubble Beam" or "Thunderbolt"
/// Describes how effective an attack of one type is on a Pokemon of another
/// type.
/// Note that a Pokemon can have two types. In order to determine the
/// effectiveness, the multipliers of the effectivenesses on both types
/// are multiplied. As such, there can be 0.25 and 4.0 multipliers!
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
enum TypeEffectiveness {
impl TypeEffectiveness {
/// Returns the type effectiveness of an attack from one attacker type
/// on one defender type.
fn of_attack(attacker: Type, defender: Type) -> Self {
use Type::*;
use TypeEffectiveness as Te;
// TODO: complete this
match (attacker, defender) {
(Fire, Water) => Te::NotVeryEffective,
(Fire, Grass) => Te::SuperEffective,
(Water, Fire) => Te::SuperEffective,
(Water, Grass) => Te::NotVeryEffective,
(Grass, Fire) => Te::NotVeryEffective,
(Grass, Water) => Te::SuperEffective,
_ => Te::Normal,
/// Returns the corresponding multiplier for the damage formula.
fn multiplier(&self) -> f64 {
match *self {
TypeEffectiveness::NotEffective => 0.0,
TypeEffectiveness::NotVeryEffective => 0.5,
TypeEffectiveness::Normal => 1.0,
TypeEffectiveness::SuperEffective => 2.0,
/// Types (sometimes called "elements") of the Pokemon universe. Each
/// attack-move has exactly one type, Pokemons can have one or two types.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
enum Type {
/// Describes the type of a Pokemon. Pokemon can have one or two types.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
enum PokemonType {
Two(Type, Type),
/// Describes a kind of Pokemon, e.g. "Pikachu".
/// This is different than an actual, living Pokemon. This struct just
/// describes properties that are the same for every creature of this
/// Pokemon kind.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct PokemonModel {
/// Name of the Pokemon
name: &'static str,
/// ID in the international Pokedex
id: u16,
type_: PokemonType,
base_stats: Stats,
/// This is different from the real Pokemon games: attacks are not part
/// of the Pokemon model, but of the Pokemon itself (as they change over
/// time). A pokemon just has an abstract learnset of potential attacks.
/// But this is easier for now.
attacks: &'static [&'static Attack]
/// Describes the basic stats of a Pokemon.
/// Each living Pokemon has an actual stat value, but each Pokemon kind also
/// has so called "base stats". These base stats are used to calculate the
/// actual stats, whose depend on the Pokemon's current level. Stronger Pokemon
/// have higher base stats.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct Stats {
/// Health points
hp: u16,
/// Speed, sometimes called initiative (INIT)
speed: u16,
/// Strength of physical attacks (like "Tackle")
attack: u16,
/// Strength of special attacks (like "Bubble Beam")
special_attack: u16,
/// Defense power against physical attacks (like "Tackle")
defense: u16,
/// Defense power against special attacks (like "Bubble Beam")
special_defense: u16,
impl Stats {
/// Given the base stats and a level, this function returns the actual
/// stats for that level.
/// This function doesn't implement the correct formula used by Pokemon
/// games. It is a simplified version of the original formula for now: we
/// ignore IVs, EVs and the Pokemon's nature). The complete formula can be
/// found [here (HP)][1] and [here (other stats)][2].
/// [1]: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/File:HPStatCalcGen34.png
/// [2]: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/File:OtherStatCalcGen34.png
fn at_level(base: Self, level: u8) -> Self {
/// The formula is the same for all stats != hp
fn stat_formula(base: u16, level: u8) -> u16 {
((base as f64 * level as f64) / 50.0 + 5.0) as u16
let hp = (
(base.hp as f64 * level as f64) / 50.0
+ level as f64
+ 10.0
) as u16;
Stats {
hp: hp,
speed: stat_formula(base.speed, level),
attack: stat_formula(base.attack, level),
special_attack: stat_formula(base.special_attack, level),
defense: stat_formula(base.defense, level),
special_defense: stat_formula(base.special_defense, level),
// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================
// Formulas to calculate stuff
// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================
/// Calculates the damage of an attack. We don't use the exact formula, but
/// a simplified version of it. In particular, we simplified the "Modifier"
/// term quite a bit. The correct and complete formula can be found [here][1].
/// [1]: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Damage#Damage_formula
fn attack_damage(attacker: &Pokemon, defender: &Pokemon, attack: Attack) -> u16 {
// Depending on the attack category, get the correct stats
let (attack_mod, defense_mod) = match attack.category {
AttackCategory::Physical => {
(attacker.stats().attack, defender.stats().defense)
AttackCategory::Special => {
(attacker.stats().special_attack, defender.stats().special_defense)
// Cast everything to f64 to reduce noise in actual formula
let (attack_mod, defense_mod) = (attack_mod as f64, defense_mod as f64);
let base_power = attack.base_power as f64;
let attacker_level = attacker.level() as f64;
// The modifier only depends on the type effectiveness (in our simplified
// version!).
let modifier = match defender.model().type_ {
PokemonType::One(ty) => {
TypeEffectiveness::of_attack(attack.type_, ty).multiplier()
PokemonType::Two(ty_a, ty_b) => {
TypeEffectiveness::of_attack(attack.type_, ty_a).multiplier()
* TypeEffectiveness::of_attack(attack.type_, ty_b).multiplier()
// With every parameter prepared above, here is the formula
((2.0 * attacker_level + 10.0) / 250.0)
* (attack_mod / defense_mod)
* base_power
+ 2.0
) * modifier
) as u16
// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================
// This is just constant data!
// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================
/// The Pokemon database!
/// Apart from the "attacks" field, all values are correct.
const POKEDEX: &'static [PokemonModel] = &[
PokemonModel {
name: "Bulbasaur",
id: 001,
type_: PokemonType::Two(Type::Poison, Type::Grass),
base_stats: Stats {
hp: 45,
attack: 49,
defense: 49,
special_attack: 65,
special_defense: 65,
speed: 45,
attacks: &[TACKLE],
PokemonModel {
name: "Ivysaur",
id: 002,
type_: PokemonType::Two(Type::Poison, Type::Grass),
base_stats: Stats {
hp: 60,
attack: 62,
defense: 63,
special_attack: 80,
special_defense: 80,
speed: 60,
attacks: &[TACKLE, VINE_WHIP],
PokemonModel {
name: "Venusaur",
id: 003,
type_: PokemonType::Two(Type::Poison, Type::Grass),
base_stats: Stats {
hp: 80,
attack: 82,
defense: 83,
special_attack: 100,
special_defense: 100,
speed: 80,
attacks: &[TACKLE, VINE_WHIP],
PokemonModel {
name: "Charmander",
id: 004,
type_: PokemonType::One(Type::Fire),
base_stats: Stats {
hp: 39,
attack: 52,
defense: 43,
special_attack: 60,
special_defense: 50,
speed: 65,
attacks: &[TACKLE],
PokemonModel {
name: "Charmeleon",
id: 005,
type_: PokemonType::One(Type::Fire),
base_stats: Stats {
hp: 58,
attack: 64,
defense: 58,
special_attack: 80,
special_defense: 65,
speed: 80,
attacks: &[TACKLE, EMBER],
PokemonModel {
name: "Charizard",
id: 006,
type_: PokemonType::Two(Type::Fire, Type::Flying),
base_stats: Stats {
hp: 78,
attack: 84,
defense: 78,
special_attack: 109,
special_defense: 85,
speed: 100,
attacks: &[TACKLE, EMBER],
PokemonModel {
name: "Squirtle",
id: 007,
type_: PokemonType::One(Type::Water),
base_stats: Stats {
hp: 44,
attack: 48,
defense: 65,
special_attack: 50,
special_defense: 64,
speed: 43,
attacks: &[TACKLE],
PokemonModel {
name: "Wartortle",
id: 008,
type_: PokemonType::One(Type::Water),
base_stats: Stats {
hp: 59,
attack: 63,
defense: 80,
special_attack: 65,
special_defense: 80,
speed: 58,
attacks: &[TACKLE, WATER_GUN],
PokemonModel {
name: "Blastoise",
id: 009,
type_: PokemonType::One(Type::Water),
base_stats: Stats {
hp: 79,
attack: 83,
defense: 100,
special_attack: 85,
special_defense: 105,
speed: 78,
attacks: &[TACKLE, WATER_GUN],
/// List of all attacks.
/// Of course, these are not all attacks. We will probably provide a much
/// bigger database with the next sheet.
const ATTACK_DB: &'static [Attack] = &[
Attack {
category: AttackCategory::Physical,
name: "Tackle",
base_power: 50,
type_: Type::Normal,
Attack {
category: AttackCategory::Special,
name: "Vine Whip",
base_power: 45,
type_: Type::Grass,
Attack {
category: AttackCategory::Special,
name: "Ember",
base_power: 40,
type_: Type::Fire,
Attack {
category: AttackCategory::Special,
name: "Water Gun",
base_power: 40,
type_: Type::Water,
// These are just some easy names to be more expressive in the Pokedex.
const TACKLE: &'static Attack = &ATTACK_DB[0];
const VINE_WHIP: &'static Attack = &ATTACK_DB[1];
const EMBER: &'static Attack = &ATTACK_DB[2];
const WATER_GUN: &'static Attack = &ATTACK_DB[3];
// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================
// Helper functions (you don't need to understand how they work yet)
// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================
/// Reads a string from the terminal/user.
fn read_string() -> String {
let mut buffer = String::new();
.read_line(&mut buffer)
.expect("something went horribly wrong...");
// Discard trailing newline
let new_len = buffer.trim_right().len();
/// Reads a valid `usize` integer from the terminal/user.
fn read_usize() -> usize {
loop {
match read_string().parse() {
Ok(res) => return res,
Err(_) => println!("That was not an integer! Please try again!"),
Reference in New Issue
Block a user