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synced 2025-02-22 13:08:08 +01:00
Merge branch 'master' into keep-n-author
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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# Command Line Options
# Usage Synopsis.
usage=$'\nUsage: AAXtoMP3 [--flac] [--aac] [--opus ] [--single] [--level <COMPRESSIONLEVEL>]\n[--chaptered] [-e:mp3] [-e:m4a] [-e:m4b] [--authcode <AUTHCODE>] [--no-clobber]\n[--target_dir <PATH>] [--complete_dir <PATH>] [--validate]\n[--continue <CHAPTERNUMBER>] [--keep-author <N>] [--author <AUTHOR>] {FILES}\n'
usage=$'\nUsage: AAXtoMP3 [--flac] [--aac] [--opus ] [--single] [--level <COMPRESSIONLEVEL>]\n[--chaptered] [-e:mp3] [-e:m4a] [-e:m4b] [--authcode <AUTHCODE>] [--no-clobber]\n[--target_dir <PATH>] [--complete_dir <PATH>] [--validate]\n[--continue <CHAPTERNUMBER>] [--keep-author <N>] [--author <AUTHOR>] [--loglevel <LOGLEVEL>] {FILES}\n'
codec=libmp3lame # Default encoder.
extension=mp3 # Default encoder extension.
level=-1 # Compression level. Can be given for mp3, flac and opus. -1 = default/not specified.
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ targetdir= # Optional output location. Note default is basedir
completedir= # Optional location to move aax files once the decoding is complete.
container=mp3 # Just in case we need to change the container. Used for M4A to M4B
VALIDATE=0 # Validate the input aax file(s) only. No Transcoding of files will occur
DEBUG=0 # Default off, If set extremely verbose output.
loglevel=1 # Loglevel: 0: Show progress only; 1: default; 2: a little more information, timestamps; 3: debug
noclobber=0 # Default off, clobber only if flag is enabled
continue=0 # Default off, If set Transcoding is skipped and chapter splitting starts at chapter continueAt.
continueAt=1 # Optional chapter to continue splitting the chapters.
@ -54,7 +54,9 @@ while true; do
# Don't overwrite the target directory if it already exists
-n | --no-clobber ) noclobber=1; shift ;;
# Extremely verbose output.
-d | --debug ) DEBUG=1; shift ;;
-d | --debug ) loglevel=3; shift ;;
# Set loglevel.
-l | --loglevel ) loglevel="$2"; shift 2 ;;
# Validate ONLY the aax file(s) No transcoding occurs
-V | --validate ) VALIDATE=1; shift ;;
# continue splitting chapters at chapter continueAt
@ -92,7 +94,7 @@ set -o errexit -o noclobber -o nounset -o pipefail
# debug
# debug "Some longish message"
debug() {
if [ $DEBUG == 1 ] ; then
if [ $loglevel == 3 ] ; then
echo "$(date "+%F %T%z") DEBUG ${1}"
@ -101,7 +103,7 @@ debug() {
# debug dump contents of a file to STDOUT
# debug "<full path to file>"
debug_file() {
if [ $DEBUG == 1 ] ; then
if [ $loglevel == 3 ] ; then
echo "$(date "+%F %T%z") DEBUG"
echo "=Start=========================================================================="
cat "${1}"
@ -113,7 +115,7 @@ debug_file() {
# debug dump a list of internal script variables to STDOUT
# debug_vars "Some Message" var1 var2 var3 var4 var5
debug_vars() {
if [ $DEBUG == 1 ] ; then
if [ $loglevel == 3 ] ; then
msg="$1"; shift ; # Grab the message
args=("$@") # Grab the rest of the args
@ -142,10 +144,37 @@ debug_vars() {
# -----
# log
log() {
echo "$(date "+%F %T%z") ${1}"
if [ "$((${loglevel} > 1))" == "1" ] ; then
echo "$(date "+%F %T%z") ${1}"
echo "${1}"
# -----
#progressbar produces a progressbar in the style of
# process: |####### | XX% (part/total unit)
# which is gonna be overwritten by the next line.
progressbar() {
#get input
#compute percentage and make print_percentage the same length regardless of the number of digits.
if [ "$((percentage<10))" = "1" ]; then print_percentage=" $percentage"
elif [ "$((percentage<100))" = "1" ]; then print_percentage=" $percentage"
else print_percentage="$percentage"; fi
#draw progressbar with one # for every 5% and blank spaces for the missing part.
for (( n=0; n<(percentage/5); n++ )) ; do progressbar="$progressbar#"; done
for (( n=0; n<(20-(percentage/5)); n++ )) ; do progressbar="$progressbar "; done
#print progressbar
echo -ne "Chapter splitting: |$progressbar| $print_percentage% ($part/$total chapters)\r"
# Print out what we have already after command line processing.
debug_vars "Command line options as set" codec extension mode container targetdir completedir auth_code keepArtist authorOverride
@ -272,6 +301,17 @@ if [[ "x${completedir}" != "x" ]]; then
# -----
# Check whether the loglevel is valid
if [ "$((${loglevel} < 0 || ${loglevel} > 3 ))" = "1" ]; then
echo "ERROR loglevel has to be in the range from 0 to 3!"
echo " 0: Show progress only"
echo " 1: default"
echo " 2: a little more information, timestamps"
echo " 3: debug"
echo "$usage"
exit 1
# -----
# If a compression level is given, check whether the given codec supports compression level specifiers and whether the level is valid.
if [ "${level}" != "-1" ]; then
@ -461,16 +501,28 @@ do
mkdir -p "${output_directory}"
# Fancy declaration of which book we are decoding. Including the AUTHCODE.
log "$(printf '\n----Decoding---%s%s--%s--' "${title}" "${dashline:${#title}}" "${auth_code}")"
log "Source ${aax_file}"
if [ "$((${loglevel} > 0))" = "1" ]; then
# Fancy declaration of which book we are decoding. Including the AUTHCODE.
log "$(printf '\n----Decoding---%s%s--%s--' "${title}" "${dashline:${#title}}" "${auth_code}")"
log "Source: ${aax_file}"
# Big long DEBUG output. Fully describes the settings used for transcoding.
# Note this is a long debug command. It's not critical to operation. It's purely for people debugging
# and coders wanting to extend the script.
debug_vars "Book and Variable values" title auth_code mode aax_file container codec bitrate artist album_artist album album_date genre copyright narrator description publisher output_file metadata_file working_directory
# Display the total length of the audiobook in format hh:mm:ss
total_length="$(ffprobe -v error -activation_bytes "${auth_code}" -show_entries format=duration -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 ${aax_file} | cut -d . -f 1)"
if [ "$((hours<10))" = "1" ]; then hours="0$hours"; fi
if [ "$((minutes<10))" = "1" ]; then minutes="0$minutes"; fi
if [ "$((seconds<10))" = "1" ]; then seconds="0$seconds"; fi
log "Total length: $hours:$minutes:$seconds"
# If level != -1 specify a compression level in ffmpeg.
if [ "${level}" != "-1" ]; then
@ -504,14 +556,17 @@ do
-metadata publisher="${publisher}" \
-f ${container} \
log "Created ${output_file}."
if [ "$((${loglevel} > 0))" == "1" ]; then
log "Created ${output_file}."
# -----
# Grab the cover art if available.
if [ "${continue}" == "0" ]; then
log "Extracting cover into ${cover_file}..."
if [ "$((${loglevel} > 1))" == "1" ]; then
log "Extracting cover into ${cover_file}..."
</dev/null ffmpeg -loglevel error -activation_bytes "${auth_code}" -i "${aax_file}" -an -codec:v copy "${cover_file}"
# -----
@ -523,17 +578,25 @@ do
# Playlist m3u support
if [ "${continue}" == "0" ]; then
log "Creating PlayList ${title}.m3u"
if [ "$((${loglevel} > 0))" == "1" ]; then
log "Creating PlayList ${title}.m3u"
echo '#EXTM3U' > "${playlist_file}"
# Determine the number of chapters.
chaptercount=$($GREP -Pc "Chapter.*start.*end" $metadata_file)
log "Extracting ${chaptercount} chapter files from ${output_file}..."
if [ "${continue}" == "1" ]; then
log "Continuing at chapter ${continueAt}:"
if [ "$((${loglevel} > 0))" == "1" ]; then
log "Extracting ${chaptercount} chapter files from ${output_file}..."
if [ "${continue}" == "1" ]; then
log "Continuing at chapter ${continueAt}:"
#start progressbar for loglevel 0 and 1
if [ "$((${loglevel} < 2))" == "1" ]; then
progressbar 0 ${chaptercount}
# We pipe the metadata_file in read.
# Example of the section that we are interested in:
@ -579,7 +642,9 @@ do
if [ "$((${continueAt} > ${chapternum}))" = "0" ]; then
# Extract chapter by time stamps start and finish of chapter.
# This extracts based on time stamps start and end.
log "Splitting chapter ${chapternum}/${chaptercount} start:${chapter_start%?}(s) end:${chapter_end}(s)"
if [ "$((${loglevel} > 1))" == "1" ]; then
log "Splitting chapter ${chapternum}/${chaptercount} start:${chapter_start%?}(s) end:${chapter_end}(s)"
</dev/null ffmpeg -loglevel quiet \
-nostats \
-ss "${chapter_start%?}" \
@ -599,6 +664,9 @@ do
-f ${container} \
# -----
if [ "$((${loglevel} < 2))" == "1" ]; then
progressbar ${chapternum} ${chaptercount}
# OK lets get what need for the next chapter in the Playlist m3u file.
# Playlist creation.
duration=$(echo "${chapter_end} - ${chapter_start%?}" | bc)
@ -611,7 +679,9 @@ do
# Add the cover art to m4a and m4b file types.
if [[ ${container} == "mp4" && $(type -P mp4art) ]]; then
mp4art -q --add "${cover_file}" "${chapter_file}"
log "Added cover art to ${chapter_title}"
if [ "$((${loglevel} > 1))" == "1" ]; then
log "Added cover art to ${chapter_title}"
@ -619,14 +689,21 @@ do
# Clean up of working directory stuff.
rm "${output_file}"
log "Done creating chapters for ${output_directory}."
if [ "$((${loglevel} > 1))" == "1" ]; then
log "Done creating chapters for ${output_directory}."
#ending progress bar
echo ""
# Perform file tasks on output file.
# ----
# Add the cover art to m4a and m4b file types.
if [[ ${container} == "mp4" && $(type -P mp4art) ]]; then
mp4art -q --add "${cover_file}" "${output_file}"
log "Added cover art to ${title}.${extension}"
if [ "$((${loglevel} > 1))" == "1" ]; then
log "Added cover art to ${title}.${extension}"
if [[ ${container} == "mp4" && $(type -P mp4chaps) ]]; then
ffprobe -i "${aax_file}" -print_format csv -show_chapters 2>/dev/null | awk -F "," '{printf "CHAPTER%02d=%02d:%02d:%02.3f\nCHAPTER%02dNAME=%s\n", NR, $5/60/60, $5/60%60, $5%60, NR, $8}' > "${output_directory}/${title}.chapters.txt"
@ -636,14 +713,18 @@ do
# -----
# Announce that we have completed the transcode
log "Complete ${title}"
if [ "$((${loglevel} > 0))" == "1" ]; then
log "Complete ${title}"
# Lastly get rid of any extra stuff.
rm "${metadata_file}"
# Move the aax file if the decode is completed and the --complete_dir is set to a valid location.
# Check the target dir for if set if it is writable
if [[ "x${completedir}" != "x" ]]; then
log "Moving Transcoded ${aax_file} to ${completedir}"
if [ "$((${loglevel} > 0))" == "1" ]; then
log "Moving Transcoded ${aax_file} to ${completedir}"
mv "${aax_file}" "${completedir}"
@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ bash AAXtoMP3 [-f|--flac] [-o|--opus] [-a|-aac] [-s|--single] [--level <COMPRESS
* **--level <COMPRESSIONLEVEL>** Set compression level. May be given for mp3, flac and opus.
* **--keep-author <FIELD>** If a book has multiple authors and you don't want all of them in the metadata, with this flag you can specify a specific author (1 is the first, 2 is the second...) to keep while discarding the others.
* **--author <AUTHOR>** Manually set the author metadata field, useful if you have multiple books of the same author but the name reported is different (eg. spacing, accents..). Has precedence over `--keep-author`.
* **-l** or **--loglevel <LOGLEVEL>** Set loglevel: 0 = progress only, 1 (default) = more information, output of chapter splitting progress is limitted to a progressbar, 2 = more information, especially on chapter splitting, 3 = debug mode
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