mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 04:58:08 +01:00
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ authorOverride= # Override the author, ignoring the metadata
audibleCli=0 # Default off, Use additional data gathered from mkb79/audible-cli
aaxc_key= # Initialize variables, in case we need them in debug_vars
aaxc_iv= # Initialize variables, in case we need them in debug_vars
ffmpegPath= # Set a custom path, useful for using the updated version that supports aaxc
# -----
# Code tip Do not have any script above this point that calls a function or a binary. If you do
@ -88,6 +89,8 @@ while true; do
--keep-author ) keepArtist="$2"; shift 2 ;;
# Author override
--author ) authorOverride="$2"; shift 2 ;;
# Ffmpeg path override
--ffmpeg-path ) ffmpegPath="$2"; shift 2 ;;
# Command synopsis.
-h | --help ) printf "$usage" $0 ; exit ;;
# Standard flag signifying the end of command line processing.
@ -212,6 +215,16 @@ else
# Use custom ffmpeg (and ffprobe) binary ( --ffmpeg-path flag)
if [ -n "$ffmpegPath" ]; then
debug_vars "ffmpeg/ffprobe paths" FFMPEG FFPROBE
# -----
# Detect which annoying version of grep we have
@ -242,7 +255,7 @@ fi
# -----
# Detect ffmpeg and ffprobe
if [[ "x$(type -P ffmpeg)" == "x" ]]; then
if [[ "x$(type -P "$FFMPEG")" == "x" ]]; then
echo "ERROR ffmpeg was not found on your env PATH variable"
echo "Without it, this script will break."
echo "INSTALL:"
@ -255,7 +268,7 @@ fi
# -----
# Detect ffmpeg and ffprobe
if [[ "x$(type -P ffprobe)" == "x" ]]; then
if [[ "x$(type -P "$FFPROBE")" == "x" ]]; then
echo "ERROR ffprobe was not found on your env PATH variable"
echo "Without it, this script will break."
echo "INSTALL:"
@ -381,13 +394,6 @@ trap 'rm -r -f "${working_directory}"' EXIT
# Set up some basic working files ASAP. Note the trap will clean this up no matter what.
working_directory=`mktemp -d 2>/dev/null || mktemp -d -t 'mytmpdir'`
# Creating a temp file to store the chapter data collected in save_metadata, as the output
# folder will only be defined after save_metadata has been executed.
# This file is only required when using audible-cli data and executing in single mode to
# get proper chapter titles in single file m4b output.
if [[ "${audibleCli}" == "1" && "${mode}" == "single" ]] ; then
# -----
# Validate the AAX and extract the metadata associated with the file.
@ -409,7 +415,7 @@ validate_aax() {
set +e errexit
# Take a look at the aax file and see if it is valid. If the source file is aaxc, we give ffprobe additional flags
output="$(ffprobe -loglevel warning ${decrypt_param} -i "${media_file}" 2>&1)"
output="$("$FFPROBE" -loglevel warning ${decrypt_param} -i "${media_file}" 2>&1)"
# If invalid then say something.
if [[ $? != "0" ]] ; then
@ -422,7 +428,7 @@ validate_aax() {
# This is a big test only performed when the --validate switch is passed.
if [[ "${VALIDATE}" == "1" ]]; then
output="$(ffmpeg -hide_banner ${decrypt_param} -i "${media_file}" -vn -f null - 2>&1)"
output="$("$FFMPEG" -hide_banner ${decrypt_param} -i "${media_file}" -vn -f null - 2>&1)"
if [[ $? != "0" ]] ; then
log "ERROR: Invalid File: ${media_file}"
@ -492,7 +498,7 @@ validate_extra_files() {
save_metadata() {
local media_file
ffprobe -i "$media_file" 2> "$metadata_file"
"$FFPROBE" -i "$media_file" 2> "$metadata_file"
if [[ $(type -P mediainfo) ]]; then
echo "Mediainfo data START" >> "$metadata_file"
# Mediainfo output is structured like ffprobe, so we append it to the metadata file and then parse it with get_metadata_value()
@ -521,6 +527,11 @@ save_metadata() {
# chapter titles from the .json generated by audible–cli and store
# them correctly formatted for mp4chaps in a chapter.txt
if [ "${mode}" == "single" ]; then
# Creating a temp file to store the chapter data collected in save_metadata, as the output
# folder will only be defined after save_metadata has been executed.
# This file is only required when using audible-cli data and executing in single mode to
# get proper chapter titles in single file m4b output.
jq -r \
'def pad(n): tostring | if (n > length) then ((n - length) * "0") + . else . end;
.content_metadata.chapter_info.chapters |
@ -693,7 +704,7 @@ do
# Display the total length of the audiobook in format hh:mm:ss
# 10#$var force base-10 interpretation. By default it's base-8, so values like 08 or 09 are not octal numbers
total_length="$(ffprobe -v error ${decrypt_param} -show_entries format=duration -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 "${aax_file}" | cut -d . -f 1)"
total_length="$("$FFPROBE" -v error ${decrypt_param} -show_entries format=duration -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 "${aax_file}" | cut -d . -f 1)"
if [ "$((hours<10))" = "1" ]; then hours="0$hours"; fi
@ -712,8 +723,8 @@ do
if [ "${continue}" == "0" ]; then
# This is the main work horse command. This is the primary transcoder.
# This is the primary transcode. All the heavy lifting is here.
debug 'ffmpeg -loglevel error -stats ${decrypt_param} -i "${aax_file}" -vn -codec:a "${codec}" -ab ${bitrate} -map_metadata -1 -metadata title="${title}" -metadata artist="${artist}" -metadata album_artist="${album_artist}" -metadata album="${album}" -metadata date="${album_date}" -metadata track="1/1" -metadata genre="${genre}" -metadata copyright="${copyright}" "${output_file}"'
</dev/null ffmpeg -loglevel error \
debug '"$FFMPEG" -loglevel error -stats ${decrypt_param} -i "${aax_file}" -vn -codec:a "${codec}" -ab ${bitrate} -map_metadata -1 -metadata title="${title}" -metadata artist="${artist}" -metadata album_artist="${album_artist}" -metadata album="${album}" -metadata date="${album_date}" -metadata track="1/1" -metadata genre="${genre}" -metadata copyright="${copyright}" "${output_file}"'
</dev/null "$FFMPEG" -loglevel error \
-stats \
${decrypt_param} \
-i "${aax_file}" \
@ -761,7 +772,7 @@ do
if [ "$((${loglevel} > 1))" == "1" ]; then
log "Extracting cover into ${cover_file}..."
</dev/null ffmpeg -loglevel error -activation_bytes "${auth_code}" -i "${aax_file}" -an -codec:v copy "${cover_file}"
</dev/null "$FFMPEG" -loglevel error -activation_bytes "${auth_code}" -i "${aax_file}" -an -codec:v copy "${cover_file}"
@ -842,7 +853,7 @@ do
#ffmpeg version 4+ and on the output for all older versions.
if [ "$(($(ffmpeg -version | $SED -E 's/[^0-9]*([0-9]).*/\1/g;1q') > 3))" = "1" ]; then
if [ "$(($("$FFMPEG" -version | $SED -E 's/[^0-9]*([0-9]).*/\1/g;1q') > 3))" = "1" ]; then
split_input="-ss ${chapter_start%?} -to ${chapter_end}"
split_output="-ss ${chapter_start%?} -to ${chapter_end}"
@ -856,7 +867,7 @@ do
if [ "$((${loglevel} > 1))" == "1" ]; then
log "Splitting chapter ${chapternum}/${chaptercount} start:${chapter_start%?}(s) end:${chapter_end}(s)"
</dev/null ffmpeg -loglevel quiet \
</dev/null "$FFMPEG" -loglevel quiet \
-nostats \
${split_input} \
-i "${output_file}" \
@ -907,7 +918,7 @@ do
if [ "${audibleCli}" == "1" ]; then
mv "${tmp_chapter_file}" "${output_directory}/${currentFileNameScheme}.chapters.txt"
ffprobe -i "${aax_file}" -print_format csv -show_chapters 2>/dev/null | awk -F "," '{printf "CHAPTER%d=%02d:%02d:%02.3f\nCHAPTER%dNAME=%s\n", NR, $5/60/60, $5/60%60, $5%60, NR, $8}' > "${output_directory}/${currentFileNameScheme}.chapters.txt"
"$FFPROBE" -i "${aax_file}" -print_format csv -show_chapters 2>/dev/null | awk -F "," '{printf "CHAPTER%d=%02d:%02d:%02.3f\nCHAPTER%dNAME=%s\n", NR, $5/60/60, $5/60%60, $5%60, NR, $8}' > "${output_directory}/${currentFileNameScheme}.chapters.txt"
mp4chaps -i "${output_file}"
@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ bash interactiveAAXtoMP3 [-a|--advanced] [-h|--help]
* **--file-naming-scheme <STRING>** or **-F** Use a custom file naming scheme, with variables. See [below](#custom-naming-scheme) for more info.
* **--chapter-naming-scheme <STRING>** Use a custom chapter naming scheme, with variables. See [below](#custom-naming-scheme) for more info.
* **--use-audible-cli-data** Use additional data got with mkb79/audible-cli. See [below](#audible-cli-integration) for more info. Needed for the files in the `aaxc` format.
* **--ffmpeg-path** Set the ffmpeg/ffprobe binaries folder. Both of them must be executable and in the same folder.
## Options for interactiveAAXtoMP3
* **-a** or **--advanced** Get more options to choose. Not used right now.
@ -164,6 +165,9 @@ In Debian-based system's repositories the ffmpeg version is often outdated. If y
to convert .aaxc files, you need at least ffmpeg 4.4. So if your installed version
needs to be updated, you can either install a custom repository that has the newer version,
compile ffmpeg from source or download pre-compiled binaries.
You can then tell AAXtoMP3 to use the compiled binaries with the `--ffmpeg-path` flag.
You need to specify the folder where the ffmpeg and ffprobe binaries are. Make sure
they are both executable.
@ -244,6 +248,7 @@ Since getting those keys is not simple, for now the method used to get them
is handled by the package audible-cli, that stores
them in a file when downloading the aaxc file. This means that in order to
decrypt the aaxc files, they must be downloaded with audible-cli.
Note that you need at least [ffmpeg 4.4](#ffmpegffprobe).
## Audible-cli integration
Some information are not present in the AAX file. For example the chapters's
Reference in New Issue
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