if [ "$TERM" == 'xterm-kitty' ]; then alias ssh='kitty +kitten ssh' fi DEFAULT_RSYNC='--info=ALL --recursive --delay-updates --human-readable --links --hard-links --perms' alias l='ls -l -v --all --human-readable --classify --group-directories-first' # -lvahF --group-directories-first alias r='reset' alias ..='cd ..' alias refresh_bashrc='. ~/.bashrc' # alternatively: 'source ~/.bashrc' alias rsync_default="rsync $DEFAULT_RSYNC --checksum" # source /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/rsync # complete -F _rsync rsync_default alias rsync_backup="rsync $DEFAULT_RSYNC --checksum --times --group --owner --delete" alias rsync_move='rsync $DEFAULT_RSYNC --checksum --remove-source-files' alias rsync_update="rsync $DEFAULT_RSYNC --update --times" alias rsync_copy="rsync $DEFAULT_RSYNC --ignore-times" alias off='systemctl poweroff' alias nnn='nnn -dHrR' alias nn='n -dHrR' alias finds='find $* 2>/dev/null' alias c='clear' alias sort_dirs_by_size='du --block-size=1K --human-readable --max-depth=1 | sort --human-numeric-sort --reverse' # 'du -kh --max-depth=1 | sort -hr' alias sd='sudo ' # alias, so sudo can use aliases: "If the last character of the alias value is a blank, then the next command word following the alias is also checked for alias expansion." alias mountdrive='udisksctl mount -b' alias unmountdrive='udisksctl unmount -b' alias fssizes='df -kh --output=size,used,avail,pcent,target | sort -hr' alias dirsizes='du -kh --apparent-size --max-depth=1 | sort -hr' # executes command and notifies upon failure execute() { dir="$(pwd)"; dir=${dir##*/}; if [ -n "$2" ]; then errLog=$2 else errLog="execution of \"$1\" failed" fi if ! $1; then notifyError "$dir: $errLog"; return 1; fi } # executes command and notifies upon success or failure executeAndNotify () { dir="$(pwd)"; dir=${dir##*/}; if [ -n "$2" ]; then winLog=$2 else winLog="execution of \"$1\" succeeded" fi if ! execute "$1" "$3"; then # arguments in quotes so they are interpreted as ONE argument each by execute() return 1; fi notifyInfo "$dir: $winLog" } # find file but don't print errors (e.g. can't access directory etc.) : 'seems to be working as alias as well: finds () { find $* 2>/dev/null }' # sends a desktop-notification with an icon signalling an error notifyError () { notify-send "$1" --icon=data-warning } # sends a desktop-notification with an icon signalling a simple information notifyInfo () { notify-send "$1" --icon=preferences-desktop-notification }