# Final Projects In order to successfully complete this course, small teams of students had to work on a small final project. They had to work on the project for roughly five days and present it to everyone else at the end. Here you can find a list of all resulting projects. Please note that some of these repositories lack English documentation.
Name Description Authors
battleship Implementation of the game “battleship” (currently TUI only) Tim Bohne, Svantje Jung, Famke Lamberti
Chicken Fight 3000 Ultimate Tournament Action-adventure game about saving the world from evil chicken Fabian Laumeyer, Eduard Rempel, Andreas Schröder, Nguyen Gia Bao Tran
Film-O-Mat Movie suggestions using data from IMDB Fabian Gutendorf, Anna Sandor, Benedikt Schumacher, Arno Stiefvater
MMXVII Virtual machine and assembler for Knuth's processor architecture MMIX Janina Born, Babara Butz, Karoline Plum, Tobias Stolzmann
Pokémon Battle Arena Graphical application to experience fights from Pokémon games Artur Kaul, Niklas Rothe, Matthias Thien, Luka Vukusic
radiostation-analyser Collect and analyze data about played songs from local radio stations Adrian Krimpenfort, Wilko Müller
rust-dtmf Encoder and decoder for DTMF (≈ old telephone beep sounds) Christopher Gundler, Carmen Meixner
rust-fortress A Dwarf Fortress like game Nils Affing, Kristin Schmidt
RustChess A 3D chess game using the Vulkan API Franziska Becker, René Warnking
rustle-my-net Experimental implementation of a basic neural network from scratch Tom Schneider, Victor Brinkhege, Johann Arndt, Lukas Kalde