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2025-01-20 14:29:26 +01:00
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.MathContext;
2025-01-22 15:14:32 +01:00
import java.math.RoundingMode;
2024-08-05 14:33:49 +02:00
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.time.LocalTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class LoadingBar {
2024-08-05 14:33:49 +02:00
private static final String TIME_FORMAT = "HH:mm";
private static final DateTimeFormatter TIME_FORMATTER = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(TIME_FORMAT);
private static final Pattern TIME_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(?>[01]\\d|2[0-4]):[0-5]\\d");
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private static final Pattern LUNCH_DURATION_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\d+");
private static final Pattern OFFSET_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("[+-]\\d+");
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private static final DecimalFormat PERCENTAGE_FORMAT = new DecimalFormat("00.00");
private static final int MIN_LUNCH_DURATION = 30;
private static final LocalTime LATEST_LUNCH_TIME = LocalTime.of(13, 30);
private static final int MINS_PER_HOUR = 60;
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private static final int MAX_NUMBER_WORK_MINS_WITHOUT_LUNCH = 6 * MINS_PER_HOUR;
private static final long MAX_NUMBER_WORK_MINS = 8L * MINS_PER_HOUR;
private static final int LINE_LENGTH = 100;
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private static final MathContext MC_INTEGER = new MathContext(1, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN);
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private enum DaySection {
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MITTAG("-m", "Mittag"),
ZAPFENSTREICH("-z", "Zapfenstreich");
private final String param;
private final String description;
DaySection(String param, String description) {
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this.param = param;
this.description = description;
public static DaySection byParam(String param) {
return section) -> section.getParam().equals(param)).findFirst().orElse(null);
public String getParam() {
return param;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public static void main(String[] args) {
if (args.length > 0 && Objects.equals(args[0], "--help")) {
String nextArg = args[0];
verifyTimeFormat(nextArg, "Erstes Argument");
var startTime = LocalTime.parse(nextArg, TIME_FORMATTER);
nextArg = args[1];
var section = DaySection.byParam(nextArg);
verifyDaySection(section, nextArg);
if (section == DaySection.MITTAG) {
handleMittagspause(args, startTime);
} else {
handleZapfenstreich(args, startTime);
private static void handleMittagspause(String[] args, LocalTime startTime) {
if (args.length == 2) {
String nextArg = args[2];
if (OFFSET_PATTERN.matcher(nextArg).matches()) {
showLoadingBarMittagspause(startTime, Integer.parseInt(nextArg));
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verifyTimeFormat(nextArg, "Argument nach " + DaySection.MITTAG.getParam());
var maxMittagspause = LocalTime.parse(nextArg, TIME_FORMATTER);
showLoadingBarMittagspause(startTime, maxMittagspause);
private static void handleZapfenstreich(String[] args, LocalTime startTime) {
Integer lunchDuration = null;
if (args.length == 2) {
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String nextArg = args[2];
LocalTime maxZapfenstreich = null;
int endTimeOffset = 0;
if (TIME_PATTERN.matcher(nextArg).matches()) {
maxZapfenstreich = LocalTime.parse(nextArg, TIME_FORMATTER);
} else if (OFFSET_PATTERN.matcher(nextArg).matches()) {
endTimeOffset = Integer.parseInt(nextArg);
} else {
verifyDurationFormat(nextArg, "Argument nach " + DaySection.ZAPFENSTREICH.getParam(), true); // FSFIXME erweitere Fehlermeldung
lunchDuration = Integer.parseInt(nextArg);
if (args.length == 3) {
if (maxZapfenstreich == null && endTimeOffset == 0) {
showLoadingBarZapfenstreich(startTime, lunchDuration);
} else if (maxZapfenstreich == null) {
showLoadingBarZapfenstreich(startTime, lunchDuration, endTimeOffset);
} else {
showLoadingBarZapfenstreich(startTime, lunchDuration, maxZapfenstreich);
nextArg = args[3];
if (lunchDuration == null) {
System.out.println("Letztes Argument darf nur auf Mittagspausendauer folgen.");
if (maxZapfenstreich == null && !OFFSET_PATTERN.matcher(nextArg).matches()) {
verifyTimeFormat(nextArg, "Letztes Argument nach " + DaySection.ZAPFENSTREICH.getParam() + " und Mittagspausendauer");
maxZapfenstreich = LocalTime.parse(nextArg, TIME_FORMATTER);
showLoadingBarZapfenstreich(startTime, lunchDuration, maxZapfenstreich);
verifyOffsetFormat(nextArg, "Letztes Argument nach " + DaySection.ZAPFENSTREICH.getParam() + " und Enduhrzeit");
endTimeOffset = Integer.parseInt(nextArg);
showLoadingBarZapfenstreich(startTime, lunchDuration, endTimeOffset);
private static void verifyMinimumNumberOfArgs(String[] args) {
if (args.length >= 2) {
System.out.println("Mindestens 2 Argumente müssen gegeben sein.");
private static void verifyTimeFormat(String param, String errMsgPrefix) {
verifyInputFormat(TIME_PATTERN, param, errMsgPrefix, true, false);
private static void verifyDurationFormat(String param, String errMsgPrefix, boolean timeInputPossible) {
verifyInputFormat(LUNCH_DURATION_PATTERN, param, errMsgPrefix, false, timeInputPossible);
private static void verifyOffsetFormat(String param, String errMsgPrefix) {
verifyInputFormat(OFFSET_PATTERN, param, errMsgPrefix, false, false);
private static void verifyInputFormat(Pattern pattern, String param, String errMsgPrefix, boolean timeInput, boolean timeInputPossible) {
if (pattern.matcher(param).matches()) {
} // FSFIXME fine tune message -> HH:mm, mm, -+mm
var firstInputPart = timeInput ? "Uhrzeitformat (" + TIME_FORMAT + ")" : "Minutenanzahl (" + LUNCH_DURATION_PATTERN + ")";
var possibleTimeInputPart = !timeInput && timeInputPossible ? " oder Uhrzeitformat (" + TIME_FORMAT + ")" : "";
2024-08-05 14:33:49 +02:00
System.out.println(errMsgPrefix + " \"" + param + "\" muss " + firstInputPart + possibleTimeInputPart + " entsprechen.");
private static void verifyDaySection(DaySection section, String param) {
if (section != null) {
List<String> sectionDescs = ds) -> ds.getDescription() + " (" + ds.getParam() + ")")
2024-08-05 14:33:49 +02:00
String sectionDescsJoined = String.join(" oder ", sectionDescs);
System.out.println("Argument nach Startzeit \"" + param + "\" muss Angabe für " + sectionDescsJoined + " sein.");
private static void printHelp() {
System.out.println("Mögliche Argumente für LoadingBar:\n"
+ "Normalfall Vormittag (Mittagspause <= " + LATEST_LUNCH_TIME + ")\n"
+ TIME_FORMAT + " " + DaySection.MITTAG.getParam() + "\n"
+ "Vormittag mit expliziter Mittagspause (<= " + LATEST_LUNCH_TIME + ")\n"
+ TIME_FORMAT + " " + DaySection.MITTAG.getParam() + " " + TIME_FORMAT + "\n"
+ "Vormittag mit abweichender Minutenanzahl Arbeitszeit\n"
+ TIME_FORMAT + " " + DaySection.MITTAG.getParam() + " -+mm\n"
+ "Normalfall Nachmittag (Mittagspause " + MIN_LUNCH_DURATION + " min)\n"
+ TIME_FORMAT + " " + DaySection.ZAPFENSTREICH.getParam() + "\n"
+ "Nachmittag mit expliziter Länge Mittagspause (Mittagspause unter " + MIN_LUNCH_DURATION + " min wird auf " + MIN_LUNCH_DURATION + " min korrigiert)\n"
+ TIME_FORMAT + " " + DaySection.ZAPFENSTREICH.getParam() + " mm\n"
+ "Nachmittag mit explizitem Feierabend (Mittagspause je nach Minimum (s.u.))\n"
+ TIME_FORMAT + " " + DaySection.ZAPFENSTREICH.getParam() + " " + TIME_FORMAT + "\n"
+ "Nachmittag mit abweichender Minutenanzahl Arbeitszeit\n"
+ TIME_FORMAT + " " + DaySection.ZAPFENSTREICH.getParam() + " -+mm\n"
+ "Nachmittag mit explizitem Feierabend u. expliziter Länge Mittagspause (Mittagspause unter Minimum (s.u.) wird auf Minimum korrigiert)\n"
+ TIME_FORMAT + " " + DaySection.ZAPFENSTREICH.getParam() + " mm " + TIME_FORMAT + "\n"
+ "Nachmittag mit explizitem Feierabend u. abweichender Minutenanzahl Arbeitszeit\n"
+ TIME_FORMAT + " " + DaySection.ZAPFENSTREICH.getParam() + " " + TIME_FORMAT + " -+mm\n\n"
+ "Mittagspause minimum in Minuten:\n"
+ " - bis " + MAX_NUMBER_WORK_MINS_WITHOUT_LUNCH + " min ("
+ " - bis " + MAX_NUMBER_WORK_MINS_WITHOUT_LUNCH + " min + "
+ MIN_LUNCH_DURATION + " min: Arbeitszeit - " + MAX_NUMBER_WORK_MINS_WITHOUT_LUNCH + " min\n"
+ " - ab " + MAX_NUMBER_WORK_MINS_WITHOUT_LUNCH + " min + " + MIN_LUNCH_DURATION + " min: "
2024-08-05 14:33:49 +02:00
private static void showLoadingBarMittagspause(LocalTime startTime) {
showLoadingBarMittagspause(startTime, null);
private static void showLoadingBarMittagspause(LocalTime startTime, int endTimeOffset) {
LocalTime endTime = startTime.plusMinutes(DEFAULT_NUMBER_WORK_MINS_BEFORE_LUNCH + endTimeOffset);
LocalTime trueEndTime = endTime.isAfter(LATEST_LUNCH_TIME) ? LATEST_LUNCH_TIME : endTime;
showLoadingBar(startTime, trueEndTime);
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private static void showLoadingBarMittagspause(LocalTime startTime, LocalTime manualEndTime) {
LocalTime endTime = manualEndTime != null ? manualEndTime : startTime.plusMinutes(DEFAULT_NUMBER_WORK_MINS_BEFORE_LUNCH);
LocalTime trueEndTime = endTime.isAfter(LATEST_LUNCH_TIME) ? LATEST_LUNCH_TIME : endTime;
showLoadingBar(startTime, trueEndTime);
private static void showLoadingBarZapfenstreich(LocalTime startTime) {
showLoadingBarZapfenstreich(startTime, -1, 0);
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private static void showLoadingBarZapfenstreich(LocalTime startTime, Integer manualLunchDuration) {
showLoadingBarZapfenstreich(startTime, manualLunchDuration, 0);
private static void showLoadingBarZapfenstreich(LocalTime startTime, Integer manualLunchDuration, int endTimeOffset) {
long minLunchDuration = getMinLunchDuration(endTimeOffset);
long realLunchDuration = getRealLunchDuration(manualLunchDuration, minLunchDuration);
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LocalTime trueEndTime = startTime.plusMinutes(MAX_NUMBER_WORK_MINS + realLunchDuration + endTimeOffset);
realShowLoadingBarZapfenstreich(startTime, realLunchDuration, trueEndTime);
private static void showLoadingBarZapfenstreich(LocalTime startTime, Integer manualLunchDuration, LocalTime manualEndTime) {
LocalTime trueEndTime = manualEndTime;
long minLunchDuration = getMinLunchDuration(startTime, trueEndTime);
long realLunchDuration = getRealLunchDuration(manualLunchDuration, minLunchDuration);
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if (trueEndTime == null) {
trueEndTime = startTime.plusMinutes(MAX_NUMBER_WORK_MINS + realLunchDuration);
realShowLoadingBarZapfenstreich(startTime, realLunchDuration, trueEndTime);
private static long getMinLunchDuration(int endTimeOffset) {
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if (endTimeOffset == 0) {
long totalDuration = MAX_NUMBER_WORK_MINS + endTimeOffset;
long effectiveLunchDuration = totalDuration - MAX_NUMBER_WORK_MINS_WITHOUT_LUNCH;
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return getMinLunchDuration(effectiveLunchDuration);
private static long getMinLunchDuration(LocalTime startTime, LocalTime endTime) {
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if (endTime == null) {
long totalDuration = startTime.until(endTime, ChronoUnit.MINUTES);
int effectiveLunchDuration = ((int) totalDuration) - MAX_NUMBER_WORK_MINS_WITHOUT_LUNCH;
return getMinLunchDuration(effectiveLunchDuration);
private static long getMinLunchDuration(long effectiveLunchDuration) {
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if (effectiveLunchDuration < 0) {
effectiveLunchDuration = 0;
return Math.min(effectiveLunchDuration, MIN_LUNCH_DURATION);
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private static long getRealLunchDuration(Integer manualLunchDuration, long minLunchDuration) {
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return manualLunchDuration != null && manualLunchDuration >= minLunchDuration ? manualLunchDuration : minLunchDuration;
private static void realShowLoadingBarZapfenstreich(LocalTime startTime, long manualLunchDuration, LocalTime endTime) {
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if (manualLunchDuration > 0) {
var totalWorkTime = LocalTime.MIDNIGHT.plusMinutes(startTime.until(endTime, ChronoUnit.MINUTES) - manualLunchDuration);
System.out.print("Arbeitszeit: " + TIME_FORMATTER.format(totalWorkTime) + "; ");
showLoadingBar(startTime, endTime);
private static void showLoadingBar(LocalTime startTime, LocalTime endTime) {
long initialMinutes = startTime.until(endTime, ChronoUnit.MINUTES);
System.out.print(minutesToTimeString(initialMinutes) + " gesamt; Endzeit: " + TIME_FORMATTER.format(endTime) + "\n");
long passedMinutes = startTime.until(, ChronoUnit.MINUTES);
if (passedMinutes > initialMinutes) {
passedMinutes = initialMinutes;
} else if (passedMinutes < 0) {
System.out.println(fillLoadingBar(initialMinutes, 0, false));
while (passedMinutes < initialMinutes) {
System.out.print(fillLoadingBar(initialMinutes, passedMinutes, true));
try {
var now =;
var oneMinuteLater = now.plusMinutes(1).truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.MINUTES);
// +1 second to adjust for ignored milliseconds as it is better to switch between 00 and 01 as between 59 and 00
TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(now.until(oneMinuteLater, ChronoUnit.SECONDS) + 1);
// TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(1L); // DEBUG
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
throw new RuntimeException(ie);
System.out.println(fillLoadingBar(initialMinutes, passedMinutes, false));
private static String fillLoadingBar(long initialMinutes, long passedMinutes, boolean progressive) {
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BigDecimal wholePercentage = BigDecimal.valueOf(100)
.divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(initialMinutes), MathContext.DECIMAL64));
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long remainingMinutes = initialMinutes - passedMinutes;
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int numberOfEquals = wholePercentage.intValue();
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var sb = new StringBuilder("[");
for (int i = 0; i < LINE_LENGTH; i++) {
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if (i < numberOfEquals) {
} else {
sb.append("] ").append(PERCENTAGE_FORMAT.format(wholePercentage)).append("% ")
.append(minutesToTimeString(passedMinutes)).append(" - ").append(minutesToTimeString(remainingMinutes));
2024-08-05 14:33:49 +02:00
if (progressive) {
return sb.toString();
private static String minutesToTimeString(long minutes) {
2025-01-20 14:29:26 +01:00
var minutesBD = BigDecimal.valueOf(minutes);
int hours = minutesBD.divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(MINS_PER_HOUR), MC_INTEGER).intValue();
int rest_minutes = minutesBD.remainder(BigDecimal.valueOf(MINS_PER_HOUR), MC_INTEGER).intValue();
return LocalTime.of(hours, rest_minutes).format(TIME_FORMATTER);
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